Overview: For Spotify users who want to connect with their friends on app, “Question of the day” on personal feed is a social feature for Spotify that engages you by asking daily music questions, letting you see your friends answers, and providing collective playlists.
UX Research |  What is "social"?
Competitive Analysis
Main Takeaways:​​​​​​​
Jakob’s Ten Usability Heuristics help evaluate the usability and effectiveness of an interface design. 
Both Facebook and YouTube use the easily recognizable “Share” icon, incorporate a way for easy escape with either the back arrow or “Cancel” button, show parts of the post the user is sharing throughout the sharing process, and make it clear what action the user has taken with the word “Sent” or “Copied”. All these features create an easy post-sharing experience for users. 
However, there is a lack of integration when it comes to sharing through text, which only shows users the link to the post and not the thumbnail. 
It is also noteworthy that both apps provide multiple options for users to share content, including in-app sharing, messenger app sharing, email sharing, and even link copying.
Main Takeaways:
Music plays a vital role in all our interviewee’s lives. It serves as a mood booster, a calm lullaby, a way of self expression, and a way to connect with friends. 
All were interested in seeing more social interactions for music, whether it be through seamless in-app music sharing, a personal feed, or content suggestions. 
Content suggestion is a double-edged sword. While it can open up new opportunities for positive experience and interaction, some users may feel uncomfortable seeing random, unwanted contents.
Interpret |  Who uses “social” and why?
HMW (How Might We) Statement
How might we create and foster a sense community for Spotify users on the app?
Make |  What will your users do?
Personal Feed where users answer daily questions that Spotify provides and engages with friends.
Paper Wireframes + Testing
Lo-fi Wireframes + Testing
Mid-fi Wireframes
Critique |  How can you make it better?
Lo-fi to Mid-fi Improvements
Final Design Helvetica Neue
Elevator Pitch
For Spotify users who want to connect with their friends on app, “Question of the day” on personal feed is a social feature for Spotify that engages you by asking daily music questions, letting you see your friends answers, and providing collective playlists as well as lists of people who answered with the same music as you. 
Unlike general social media feeds, “Question of the day” is fun, thought-provoking, and new every day.
Example Questions + Answers from Friends
High-fi Design
Flow 1: Answer Question of the day by searching up the song.
Flow 2: Add a comment on the song chosen and answer.
Flow 3: Navigate through other dates. Listen to songs that friends answered with.

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